Έλαιο αλκάνας

Alkanna tinctoria root extract

Plant of origin: Alkanna tinctoria, native herb in the Mediterranean region. Coming from the extract of Alkanna tinctoria root, was traditionally used topically for the treatment of skin wounds and “diseases” thanks to its strong healing properties. Antimicrobial, restorative, skin repairing and anti-inflammatory, this oil has soothing action to red and irritated areas and protects against dehydration. Also has beneficial action to burns, sunburns, acne scars, abrasions, stretch marks, irritations, signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines

Plant of origin: Arnica Montana, a perennial herb of northern and central European highlands. Comes from Arnica Montana plant, known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Arnica is traditionally used to decrease healing time in aches, pains and bruises. Helps decongest and depuff while soothe inflamed and irritated skin. Also effective for bruises, reducing swelling and bruise discoloration

Εκχύλισμα άρνικας

Arnica montana flower extract

Το θεραπευτικό αυτό φυτό είναι πλούσιο σε φαρμακευτικά ενεργά συστατικά όπως καροτενοειδή, φλαβονοειδή, γλυκοσίδες και τριτερπενοειδή. Η καλέντουλα είναι γνωστή για την καταπραϋντική και αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση της στο ερεθισμένο και ταλαιπωρημένο δέρμα καθώς και για τις αντιμικροβιακές της ιδιότητες που συμβάλλουν στη διαδικασία επούλωσης των πληγών. Τα συστατικά της καλέντουλας έχουν ισχυρές αντιοξειδωτικές δράσεις λόγω της ικανότητας εξουδετέρωσης των ελεύθερων ριζών που αποτρέπει τα πρώιμα σημάδια γήρανσης όπως κηλίδες και ρυτίδες, ενώ η επουλωτική της δράση βοηθά στη λείανση των λεπτών γραμμών.

Εκχύλισμα καψαϊκίνης

Capsicum frutescens resin

Plant of origin: Capsicum frutescens, wild chili pepper native to Central and South America. This oily extract of pepper plants of Capsicum genus is indicated for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints. Capsaicin works by decreasing the natural substance P in human body which contributes to transmission of pain signals to brain

Plant of origin: Centaurea cyanus, annual flowering plant native to France, Eastern Europe. This flower extract is well known for its decongesting effect on sensitive area around the eyes. Helps reduce feeling of discomfort and tiredness in face area. Anti-inflammatory, provides a soothing effect on irritated skin and relieves redness and rashes. Its astringent properties help regulation of sebum production

Εκχύλισμα άνθους κυανής κενταύριας

Centaurea cyanus flower water

Φυτό προέλευσης : Κυανή Κενταύρια, ετήσιο ανθοφόρο φυτό που ευδοκιμεί στη Γαλλία και την Ανατολική Ευρώπη. Το εκχύλισμα αυτό από τα άνθη της είναι γνωστό για την αποσυμφορητική του δράση στην ευαίσθητη περιοχή γύρω από τα μάτια. Βοηθά στη μείωση του αισθήματος δυσφορίας και κόπωσης στην περιοχή του προσώπου. Αντιφλεγμονώδες, προσφέρει καταπραϋντική δράση στην ερεθισμένη επιδερμίδα και ανακουφίζει από την ερυθρότητα και τα εξανθήματα. Οι στυπτικές του ιδιότητες βοηθούν στη ρύθμιση της παραγωγής σμήγματος.

Έλαιο ασιατικής σεντέλας

Centella asiatica leaf extract

Plant of origin: Centella asiatica, native herb across tropical Africa, Asia, Australia, South America and some Pacific islands. Well known for its medicinal properties, Centella asiatica is used in dermatology in treatment of small wounds, hypertrophic wounds as well as burns, psoriasis and other conditions of inflamed skin. Has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Stimulates local blood circulation and increase of collagen production. Also helps decrease appearance of stretch marks, prevents keloid formation and has moisturizing and soothing actions

Plant of origin: Helichrysum italicum, an iconic plant of the Mediterranean region. This essential oil is derived from distillation of Helichrysum Italicum flower. “Helichrysum” name comes from the Greek “Helios” meaning sun, and “chrysos” meaning gold, referring to the bright yellow color of its flowers. Known as “Immortelle” because even after being picked, it does not wilt. Traditionally used for its wound healing properties and beneficial action to damaged skin, has a soothing effect on inflamed and irritated skin areas. Stimulates local blood circulation, with effective properties on bruises. Contributes to skin glow and elasticity thanks to its skin rejuvenating and anti-ageing actions

Αιθέριο έλαιο ελίχρυσου «έλαιο αιώνιας νεότητας”

Helichrysum italicum flower oil

Φυτό προέλευσης: Ελίχρυσος ο ιταλικός, ένα εμβληματικό φυτό της περιοχής της Μεσογείου. Αυτό το αιθέριο έλαιο προέρχεται από την απόσταξη του άνθους του Ελίχρυσου του ιταλικού. Το όνομα «Helichrysum» προέρχεται από το ελληνικό «Helios» που σημαίνει ήλιος και «chrysos» που σημαίνει χρυσός, το οποίο αναφέρεται στο λαμπερό κίτρινο χρώμα των λουλουδιών του. Γνωστό ως «αιώνια νεότητα» επειδή ακόμη και μετά τη συλλογή, δεν μαραίνεται. Χρησιμοποιείται παραδοσιακά για τις επουλωτικές του ιδιότητες πληγών και την ευεργετική του δράση σε κατεστραμμένο δέρμα, έχει καταπραϋντικές δράσεις επίσης σε φλεγμονώδεις και ερεθισμένες περιοχές του δέρματος. Διεγείρει την τοπική κυκλοφορία του αίματος, με αποτελεσματικές ιδιότητες στους μώλωπες. Συμβάλλει στη λάμψη και την ελαστικότητα του δέρματος χάρη στις αναζωογονητικές και αντιγηραντικές του δράσεις.

Εκχύλισμα ελίχρυσου

Helichrysum italicum flower extract

Είναι το προϊόν της εκχύλισης από τα άνθη Ελίχρυσου του ιταλικού με χρήση ελαιώδους φορέα. Γνωστό ως το φυτό της «αιώνιας νιότης» λόγω της αξιοσημείωτης ευεργετικής του δράσης. Αναπλάθει το δέρμα διεγείροντας την κυκλοφορία του αίματος, βοηθά στην ελαχιστοποίηση του ερεθισμού και στην καταπολέμηση της φλεγμονής και βελτιώνει την υφή του δέρματος. Ο ελίχρυσος χρησιμοποιείται από την αρχαιότητα για την επούλωση εγκαυμάτων και τσιμπημάτων λόγω των αντιφλεγμονωδών και επουλωτικών ιδιοτήτων του. Τα λιπαρά εκχυλίσματά του έχουν μαλακτικές και μαλακτικές ιδιότητες του δέρματος.

Plant of origin: Jasminum grandiflorum, native to South Asia, the Arabian peninsula, East and Northeast Africa and China. Derived from the flowers of Jasminum grandiflorum plant, Jasmine Wax has great antioxidant, anti pollution and skin moisturizing properties. Ideal for demanding skin types

Κερί γιασεμιού

Jasminum grandiflorum flower cera

Ένα ήπιο, εξισορροπητικό συστατικό με αντιοξειδωτικές ιδιότητες που βοηθά στη μείωση της παραγωγής σμήγματος μέσω της στυπτικής του δράσης και διατηρεί το δέρμα απαλό και ενυδατωμένο. Λειτουργεί μαζί με τα ενεργά συστατικά της κρέμας κάνοντας τη θαμπή και κουρασμένη επιδερμίδα να φαίνεται πιο υγιής και τονωμένη, συσφίγγοντας το δέρμα και απομακρύνοντας τα νεκρά κύτταρα.


Plant of origin: Mentha arvensis, native to Europe, western and central Asia and North America. It occurs naturally in Mentha species and confers that special mint smell and flavor. Menthol is well known for its cooling sensation and analgesic properties through interaction with cell receptors (stimulating body’s thermal receptors), while comforts muscle soreness and tiredness. Menthol is also traditionally used for its beneficial action to clogged sinuses by improving nasal breathing and helping open the airways. Relieves symptoms of asthma and rhinitis

Compound with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve minor body aches and muscle and joint pain associated with backache, arthritis, strains, sprains, and bruises

Methyl salicylate


Known for its healing and antiseptic properties, it comforts and protects against aggressive environmental factors, ensuring perfectly hydrated and healthy skin. Its sebum regulating action helps balance skin oil production. Lavender essential oil relieves tension and stress and takes away feeling of muscle soreness, tiredness and discomfort



It is a specific amide (a particular chemical structure) also named as the active form of vitamin B3 known for: preserving hydration (by preventing transepidermal water loss), reducing skin blemishes and congestion (beneficial action to acne prone skin), preventing transfer of pigment within skin to help reduce brown spots (brightening skin tone) and redness thanks to vitamin B3 anti-inflammatory properties, strengthening skin barrier and improving synthesis of healthy fats (key for glowing skin) with its strong antioxidant properties

Plant of origin: Aloe barbadensis, native to Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula. Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant (the gel inside leaves’ tissue) used for centuries due to its therapeutic benefits: wound and burn healing properties (stimulates collagen synthesis), soothing and anti-inflammatory action that relieves feeling of discomfort and itchiness of inflamed skin, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, protective effect against radiation skin damage giving firmness and elasticity, tightens pores thanks to its astringent components

Βιολογική αλόη

Aloe barbadensis leaf juice powder

Η μολόχα έχει καταπραϋντικές και μαλακτικές ιδιότητες και ευεργετική δράση σε φλεγμονώδεις παθήσεις του δέρματος όπως έκζεμα, ατοπική δερματίτιδα, ροδόχρου νόσου κ.λπ. Το εκχύλισμα μολόχας είναι γνωστό για την ικανότητά του να μαλακώνει το δέρμα και είναι ιδανικό για ερεθισμένο και ευαίσθητο δέρμα. Βοηθά στη διαδικασία επούλωσης πληγών με τις αντιβακτηριδιακές του ιδιότητες.

Βιολογικό λάδι από πυρήνα βερίκοκου

Prunus armeniaca (apricot) kernel oil

Plant origin: Prunus armeniaca, a stone fruit originating from Central Asia. Derived from cold pressing of apricots’ kernels with light textured oil, rich in fatty acids and Vitamins A and E. Soothes, softens and nourishes skin with its anti-inflammatory properties. Strengthens skin barrier by locking in moisture. Helps decrease appearance of fine lines and wrinkles due to antioxidant compounds

Produced in the beehive of hard-working honeybees, softens skin and helps maintain elasticity by creating a protective coating. Has antioxidant and antiseptic properties thanks to flavonoids and protects skin from environmental pollution, extreme weather conditions and stress. Beeswax also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-viral properties. Nourishes and calms skin, keeps it clear and bacteria free. Boosts fight against skin infections and enhances healing activity

Βιολογικό κερί μέλισσας

Cera alba

Πιστοποιημένο βιολογικό μέλι που προέρχεται από το νέκταρ των προστατευόμενων δένδρων Castanea Sativa (καστανιές) του Όρους Άθω και βραβεύεται στα London Honey Awards 2020 (Quality Awards Platinum Category). Λόγω της μοναδικής διαδικασίας δημιουργίας του, αυτό το μέλι έχει πολλές ευεργετικές δράσεις για την υγεία του δέρματος. Πέρα από τις γνωστές αντισηπτικές και αντιμικροβιακές του ιδιότητες, βοηθά στην καταπράυνση των ερεθισμών του δέρματος και επιταχύνει τη διαδικασία επούλωσης αφήνοντάς το απαλό και ελαστικό. Έχει επίσης ήπιες ιδιότητες λεύκανσης του δέρματος που μπορούν να βοηθήσουν στην υπερμελάγχρωση. Λόγω της περιεκτικότητάς του σε τανίνες, το βιολογικό μέλι καστανιάς έχει στυπτική δράση που μπορεί να βοηθήσει στη σύσφιξη του δέρματος και να του δώσει μια πιο νεανική όψη.

Βιολογικό αιθέριο έλαιο ευκάλυπτου

Eucalyptus globulus leaf oil

Plant of origin: Eucalyptus globulus, endemic to southeastern Australia but also well adapted to Mediterranean region climate conditions and one of the most used species in Europe. Soothes muscle and joint pain, comforts tired and overworked muscles and relaxes. Relieves from symptoms of common cold such as nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing and cough thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties

Plant of origin : Vitis vinifera, indigenous to southern Europe and western Asia and cultivated worldwide today. This lightweight oil is extracted from grapes’ seeds, known for their great antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties (contain powerful antioxidant ingredients such as proanthocyanidins and high amount of Vit E). Grape seed oil improves skin appearance and elasticity, has a protective action from signs of sun damage, promotes collagen repair and can help even out skin tone. High in polyunsaturated fatty acids

Βιολογικό έλαιο σπόρων σταφυλιού

Vitis vinifera (grape) seed oil

Plant of origin : Vitis vinifera, indigenous to southern Europe and western Asia and cultivated worldwide today. This lightweight oil is extracted from grapes’ seeds, known for their great antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties (contain powerful antioxidant ingredients such as proanthocyanidins and high amount of Vit E). Grape seed oil improves skin appearance and elasticity, has a protective action from signs of sun damage, promotes collagen repair and can help even out skin tone. High in polyunsaturated fatty acids

Βιολογικό αιθέριο έλαιο μέντας

Mentha piperita oil

Plant of origin: Mentha piperita, indigenous to Europe and the Middle East. Peppermint oil is broadly used due to its therapeutic actions: provides relief from muscle pain and discomfort, can reduce swelling due to the anti-inflammatory properties, gives a relieving cooling sensation to tired, heavy and swollen legs, has antiseptic, stimulating and regenerating properties

Plant of origin: Punica granatum, native from southern Europe to northern India, but has naturalized over time around the Mediterranean. Derived from pomegranate seeds, contains high amount of antioxidant compounds (Vit C, ellagic acid, anthocyanins etc.) that reduce signs of ageing and protect skin damage from environmental factors. Helps with dark spots, supports skin barrier and improves skin elasticity

Βιολογικό έλαιο ροδιού

Punica granatum seed oil

Plant of origin: Punica granatum, native from southern Europe to northern India, but has naturalized over time around the Mediterranean. Derived from pomegranate seeds, contains high amount of antioxidant compounds (Vit C, ellagic acid, anthocyanins etc.) that reduce signs of ageing and protect skin damage from environmental factors. Helps with dark spots, supports skin barrier and improves skin elasticity

Βιολογικό σησαμέλαιο

Sesamum indicum (sesame) seed oil

Plant of origin: Sesamum indicum, originated in India. Has multiple beneficial actions to skin health thanks to high content of fatty acids (oleic, linoleic), vitamins (A, E, B6 and others), phenolic compounds and minerals (Zn, Cu and others). Wound-healing action and skin cell repair action, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties

Plant of origin: Vitellaria paradoxa, indigenous to Africa. Derived from the nuts of Shea butter tree and rich in fatty acids (oleic, linoleic acids etc), has many other beneficial components for skin health: restores skin barrier by locking in moisture maintaining it supple and hydrated (emollient, moisturizing agent), has anti-inflammatory properties that minimize irritations caused by external conditions and soothe skin from eczema and skin burns. Also has strong antioxidant activity, helps boost collagen production towards more plumped and healthy skin and may soften scar tissue

Βιολογικό βούτυρο καριτέ

Butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter

Plant of origin: Vitellaria paradoxa, indigenous to Africa. Derived from the nuts of Shea butter tree and rich in fatty acids (oleic, linoleic acids etc), has many other beneficial components for skin health: restores skin barrier by locking in moisture maintaining it supple and hydrated (emollient, moisturizing agent), has anti-inflammatory properties that minimize irritations caused by external conditions and soothe skin from eczema and skin burns. Also has strong antioxidant activity, helps boost collagen production towards more plumped and healthy skin and may soften scar tissue



Also known as provitamin B5, panthenol has soothing, softening, hydrating and regenerating properties. Binding water molecules, it prevents dehydration, contributing to fine lines reduction and skin elasticity. Anti-inflammatory actions on UV induced skin redness

Derived from Hydrolyzed Rice Protein, peptides penetrate skin quickly to revitalize cell metabolism and reinforce its defense potential, improve cell nutrition and favor cell recovery toning and smoothing effect on lines and wrinkles



Derived from Hydrolyzed Rice Protein, peptides penetrate skin quickly to revitalize cell metabolism and reinforce its defense potential, improve cell nutrition and favor cell recovery toning and smoothing effect on lines and wrinkles



Plant origin: Derived from pressed residues of olive oil. Deep moisturizing effect protecting the skin lipid barrier from excessive water loss, restores elasticity and healthy skin appearance, non-greasy and promotes absorption of other cosmetic ingredients

Strengthen sensitive skin barrier and increase its protective shield. They give the skin flora better ability to recover. In presence of a prebiotic, friendly bacteria recover and grow faster, while harmful ones are reduced



Strengthen sensitive skin barrier and increase its protective shield. They give the skin flora better ability to recover. In presence of a prebiotic, friendly bacteria recover and grow faster, while harmful ones are reduced


Propolis extract

Naturally produced by bees in order to shield and protect the beehive, propolis has been used since ancient times for its great antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Ideal for damaged, inflamed and irritated skin, boosts wound-healing activity and faster heals cold sores

Plant of origin: Rosa moschata, native of Europe, north Africa and southwest Asia. Rich in vitamins, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids (like linoleic acid), its anti-inflammatory properties help repair skin barrier and can boost wound-healing process. Rosehip oil has beneficial action to scars and fine lines, protects against premature photo-ageing and can reduce hyperpigmentation

Έλαιο σπόρων αγριοτριανταφυλλιάς

Rosa moschata (rose hip) seed oil

Plant of origin: Rosa moschata, native of Europe, north Africa and southwest Asia. Rich in vitamins, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids (like linoleic acid), its anti-inflammatory properties help repair skin barrier and can boost wound-healing process. Rosehip oil has beneficial action to scars and fine lines, protects against premature photo-ageing and can reduce hyperpigmentation

Sodium hyaluronate


It’s the sodium salt of the hyaluronic acid. As a component, can attract and bind molecules of water and keep them to skin surface, providing natural hydration and boosting collagen production. Slows down ageing signs and marks, while improves skin texture, tightens and smoothens skin appearance as it penetrates deeper skin layers

Plant of origin: Curcuma longa native to tropical South Asia. This herbaceous plant of the ginger family is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Provides glow and healthy skin appearance. Its antimicrobial properties contribute to the healing process and have a beneficial effect on scars and skin conditions such as eczema

Έλαιο κουρκουμά

 Curcuma longa root extract

Plant of origin: Curcuma longa native to tropical South Asia. This herbaceous plant of the ginger family is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Provides glow and healthy skin appearance. Its antimicrobial properties contribute to the healing process and have a beneficial effect on scars and skin conditions such as eczema

Vitamin E


Known for many years for its strong antioxidant action, Vitamin E protects skin from various deleterious effects due to solar radiation by acting as a free radical scavenger. Prevents early ageing signs and maintains skin hydrated by enhancing its barrier and reducing dehydration. Its soothing and anti-inflammatory action relieves and reduces skin irritation and dryness. Speeds up process of skin regeneration. May help skin conditions such as eczema and atopic dermatitis

Vitamin F helps to lock moisture and prevent dryness and rough skin texture. It is a combination of two essential fatty acids (linoleic and ALA) with high and multi beneficial action to skin health. These fatty acids are important components of many layers of skin to maintain its barrier function, such as preventing excessive water loss and keeping essential nutrients inside

Vitamin F


Vitamin F helps to lock moisture and prevent dryness and rough skin texture. It is a combination of two essential fatty acids (linoleic and ALA) with high and multi beneficial action to skin health. These fatty acids are important components of many layers of skin to maintain its barrier function, such as preventing excessive water loss and keeping essential nutrients inside

Βιολογικό έλαιο jojoba

Simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil

Plant of origin: Simmondsia chinensis, native to North America. It provides long lasting moisturization and has antioxidant properties as it contains vit E and many other nutrients that care and protect skin barrier. Although an oil, it can regulate sebum production as it mimics the sebum produced naturally by the skin (lightweight oil/doesn’t clog pores)

Plant of origin: Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, indigenous to Sri Lanka and southern parts of India. Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce puffiness and redness of inflamed skin. Can also boost wound-healing process by increasing local blood circulation

Αιθέριο έλαιο κανέλας

Cinnamomum zeylanicun bark oil

Plant of origin: Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, indigenous to Sri Lanka and southern parts of India. Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce puffiness and redness of inflamed skin. Can also boost wound-healing process by increasing local blood circulation

Φυσικά συντηρητικά


Επιλέγουμε να προσθέσουμε φυσικά συστήματα συντήρησης σε όλες τις φόρμουλές μας – 2 διαφορετικά συντηρητικά ανάλογα με τη φόρμουλα:
• 100% αγνό και φυσικής προέλευσης συντηρητικό (Επικυρωμένο από την Cosmos) που προστίθεται σε όλα τα προϊόντα με βάση το λάδι το οποίο παράλληλα βελτιώνει τη βιολογία του δέρματος. Έχει αντιφλεγμονώδεις ιδιότητες (μετά από ex vivo μελέτη) καθώς και ικανότητα εξουδετέρωσης των ελευθέρων ριζών. Βοηθά στην προστασία της ελαστικότητας του δέρματος Αποτελεί βιώσιμη επιλογή καθότι έχει χαμηλές περιβαλλοντικές επιπτώσεις στην προμήθεια και την παρασκευή της πρώτης ύλης.

• 99,6% natural preservative added to all water-based formulas made of natural and plant derived compounds, nonirritant, mild and safe for use in personal care products

Φυσικά συντηρητικά


• 99,6% natural preservative added to all water-based formulas made of natural and plant derived compounds, nonirritant, mild and safe for use in personal care products